Thursday, March 26, 2009

Intervals, how fun.

Training for: Lawrence 1/2 Marathon

Planned: ~1 mile warm up, 9 x 400 meter intervals at 5K pace with 1 minute jogs in between, ~1 mile cool down.

Actual: 1.15 mile warm up – 9 x 400m (1:28 fastest, 1:33 average) – 1.79 cool down
Total of 6.26 miles in 43:52 – 7:00 min/mile pace.

It’s been a long time since I’ve ran on a track.  My shins thanked me :)

My new Garmin has a real cool feature for running intervals like this.  I didn’t quite understand when I was done and ended up running an extra half of an interval.



  1. I heard the Lawrence Half was cancelled this year?? Are they still having it? And when?

    Good luck, by the way! :)

  2. I think it's a new one. It's April 19 and the website is:

  3. Awesome - I'm doing the St Louis Half that very same day. :)
